Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Global Warming Reflection Paper Essays

Global Warming Reflection Paper Essays Global Warming Reflection Paper Paper Global Warming Reflection Paper Paper The film is directed by Davis Guggenheim and presented by former United States vice president AAA Gore. The purpose of the film is to educate the earth population about the dangers Of global warming. The damage the people of earth are doing to the climate with regards to over population, plant factory chemicals, gas guzzling trucks, cutting trees, smoke decreasing the ozone layer, and not recycling. AAA Gore provides examples and pictures regarding the effects of global warming on earth. For example, the melting of big chunks of ice, the sea level rises with the melting of the ice, and he earth becoming hotter. Additionally, AAA Gore provides information of the dangers the humans will receive if the climate gets warmer. Furthermore, the film shows helpful steps to take to have a greener earth and slow the global warming. Environmental and social implications regarding climate changes Climate changes are affecting the earth worldwide. According to Arctic Melt Unnerves the Experts article The Arctic ice cap shrank so much this summer that waves briefly lapped along novo long-imagined Arctic shipping routes, the Northwest Passage over Canada and the Northern Sea Route over Russia (NY Times, 2007). Ice glaciers are melting and sea levels are increasing. The climate change has produced many environmental disasters. The over population is sending people farther into the rain forests to build houses. For example, people have invaded the rain forests and are destroying many trees. Additionally, the warmer temperatures are increasing the changes of Tsunamis in Hurricanes in different parts of the world. In addition, many factories are polluting the environment with their deadly gases. The gases are destroying the ozone layer and the sun rays are doing more damage to the humans such as cancer. : Furthermore, the factory gases, agricultural sprays, smog from cars and many deadly toxic are increase the risks of cancers in humans and damaging the environment. The climate changes are changing the environment and how the people live their social lives. Questions regarding the global warming 1. AAA Gore states that the burning of the rainforests contributes over 30 percent of the carbon dioxide to the Earths atmosphere. What are other implications and consequences inherent in the destruction of the global rainforests? What do you think could be done about this matter? According to the movie, the consequences of destruction of rainforests are that as more trees are felled there will be fewer trees to remove the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The global carbon dioxide level will increase in the greenhouse effect. To avoid damaging rain forests globally, the governments around the world should create laws that can fine people who destroy the forests. 2. Al Gore uses a quote from Winston Churchill to warn about another impending disaster taking place in the 1 asss that is related to current public apathy about global warming. What impending disaster was referred to in the quotation? According to the film, the impending disaster at the time was a WI and the war would bring disaster to the earth world wide. On the other hand if the humans do not take steps to stop the global warming; it will bring disasters to the earth. 3. The Kyoto Accord was not signed by the United States and Australia. Why not? According to Alternate Energy Resources website, Australia and the LISA. Both are major emitters of greenhouse gases, on a per capita basis. The main argument of these countries was that to reduce emissions they would hurt their economies. 4. How Can peer reviewed information about global warming in professional journals and information about global warming in the popular press can be reconciled? The peer reviewed information from journals and from popular press can be reconciled by exchanging info between the two. Additionally, freedom of speech should be another technique that should be used to merge the info. Some of the popular press does not want to publish global warning information because their superiors do not support it. 5. The plight of the polar bear related to global warming is all too evident. What other animals in the Artic Circle and Antarctica are endangered as the ice caps disappear? According to the movie An Inconvenient Truth, seals, penguins, wolves, land birds are endangered species in Arctic Circle and Antarctica. 6. At no time does AAA Gore mention nuclear energy. Why do you think AAA Gore avoids discussing this source of energy? How much energy in the United States is derived from nuclear energy? Find the nation that maximizes the use of nuclear energy? According to Wisped, The United States produces the most nuclear energy, with nuclear power providing 19% of the electricity it consumes, while France produces the highest percentage of its electrical energy from nuclear reactors-?80% as of 2006. 7. AAA Gore mentions Carl Eagan several times. Who was he? According to Wisped, he was an American astronomer, astrophysicist, author, cosmologist, and highly successful popularized of astronomy, astrophysics and other natural sciences. 8. Why does AAA Gore use the term canaries to refer to the Article Circle and Antarctica in the context of global warming? According to Maroon Lewis on the Asss Gore science fiction article There are two places on Earth that serve as canaries in the coal mine-?regions that are especially sensitive to the effects of global warming, I. E. The Arctic and the Antarctic. In the Arctic, Temperatures are shooting upward there faster than at any other place on the planet. 9. What is the difference between the Article Circle and Antarctica? According to David R. Cook, The Antarctic is a continent that just happens to be at the south-pole. There are ice sheets that extend out from the continent, making it appear larger than the actual land area. The Arctic Circle is a bit different because much of that area is not composed of land, but of sea water and thick ice. The Arctic is virtually flat, whereas Antarctica has an unbelievable variety of relief, including some large mountain ranges. Plus, the Arctic and Antarctica result in some different weather at the Non locations. Recommend survival strategies for the here and now, and the future The survival strategies for the here and now should be the same for the future. The number one goal for the humans should be to have a plan to decrease the warming weather; which is to create more green products that humans constantly use. For example, using paper should be limited at offices and schools. Plastic bottles, bags, cans, and any item that needs to be recycled. As stated by the Overpopulation and Climate Change article Approaches to achieving reductions include frugality; greater use of energy- efficient devices; carbon capture and sequestration; emission-neutral means f generation; rainforests protection; a levy on emissions (carbon tax); and the lease or purchase of emission rights by over-emitters from under- emitters (cap-and-tradeY (NY Times, 2010). The government should create a law that demands people to recycle and fine if the people do not. Gas saving cars should be another example of the environment; no more gas guzzling cars. Plus, recycle any old cars that can damage the environment with smog should be dismantle. Additionally, factories that produce harmful gases to the environment such as the carbon dioxide should make a priority to reduce hose gases annually. The United States and Australia should sign the Kyoto Accord and help reduce some of those deadly gases that affect the ozone layer. If every country in the world reduced their gases and people start gong greener; the climate change may take a step backward. The global warming can slow down and the colder weather can help restore the ice glaciers, reduce the sea levels and prevent any future disasters. The change in going greener and reducing the deadly gases and chemical will help the here and now people as well as the future. On the other hand, if the weather gets warmer the climate will cause more disasters and perhaps the future will not have more humans.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Housing Law Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Housing Law Assignment - Essay Example The procedure for evicting a Scottish secure tenant is provided in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001. Schedule 2 to the said act provides grounds on which court may order recovery of possession. The landlord has to satisfy the sheriff that you have failed to pay rent due and also that it is reasonable to evict you, considering various factors such as the amount of arrears, reason for arrears including unemployment, past history of tenant, duties of the local authority pursuant to orders of eviction with regard to social welfare legislation e.g. Children (Scotland) Act 1995. You can take the following lines of defence. (1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Your employment was interrupted because of ill health and also because you did not get permanent employment. That you were hospitalized is also a factor which will be considered in your favour. (2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   You are now receiving benefits from the government, and you pay your rents out of these. As per the observation in W oodspring DC v. Taylor [3], receipt of benefits by a tenant is a material factor to be considered while deciding the application for eviction. Similarly, in Angus Housing Association v. Fraser [4] it was held that the sheriff should consider the fact that arrears direct are being paid and rent is taken care of by housing benefit. (3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The fact that you were sequestrated prior to the decree being passed against you means that it has not been considered by the sheriff. This is another important factor in your possible defence. (4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The landlord tenant relationship imposes duties on the landlord. The windows of your bedroom are badly fitting and your landlord has not carried out repairs even after seven months of his being informed. It is not clear from the instructions, but additional expenditure for heating due to the condensation may have led to arrears or a part of it. Also, you are entitled to withhold rent till the landlord ca rries out the repairs necessary. As per the observation in Mary Galloway -v- City of Glasgow Council [5], the landlord should have repaired the house within a reasonable period from the date of notice and if not then they would be in breach of express and implied obligations to repair the house. (5)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Your landlord should have taken into account the fact that you are unemployed. Your limited income and ill health caused in all probability by the improper condition of the house are also considerable factors while deciding reasonability of eviction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to a government assessment, about 40% of cases bought to the court resulted in a decree for eviction being issued. Less than 23% of the total cases bought to the court resulted in eviction.[6] On the basis of facts as you narrate them, there is a good chance of avoiding eviction. You can also seek full unemployment benefit from the government, as well as benef its for families. You are entitled for benefits because your children are dependant on you. Her Majesty’s Customs and Revenue department provides these benefits. It will take one year before some of your debts are automatically discharged. It will be of help to prepare a list of your creditors and see if you can defer payment to them until such time as you can get

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pom Wonderful Paper Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pom Wonderful Paper - Movie Review Example But Morgan Spurlock pulled it off. It was a very daring movie to actually document the entire process of getting company pay for a movie that will show how they invade our everyday lives that they literally assaults us from the day we wake up until we sleep. It was more daring when Spurlock actually asked for these companies to pay for the movie and show how they negotiated in the raw. The expected reaction of advertising firms was also documented in the raw when he negotiated or tried to up-sell the concept of his film. There in the negotiations, it was articulated the fear of the advertisers of the unknown that they did not want to be a part of the film that may put them in a bad light. Spurlock however was not discouraged by this initial failure. He went around asking people on how he could make companies to pay for his film. He eventually did when he initially struck an interim agreement with Ban deodorant that the company would be in if there are 15 other brands who would join h im. Personally, my impression was it was a typical success story on how one will succeed if only he or she will try hard enough as what Spurlock did in the movie The Greatest Movie Ever Sold. In a way, the movie or documentary can be considered as a learning material. Very subtlely, marketing concepts such as as brand collateral was explained in a manner that will be very easy to understand. I had difficulty discerning what really it was all about but after watching the film, I learned that it simply meant what do you offer to your consumers or what are bringing on the table? I also learned that people’s personality can be considered as brands too. During the first part of the film where Morgan Spurlock was having difficulty getting companies to pay for his film, he came upon an Analyst who explained to him that his personality is playful and risk taker. It was explained that it is more likely that brands who share his personality will be the ones who are likely to support hi m. In a way, the movie â€Å"exposed† the science of marketing. After explaining the nature of his personality, Spurlock was able to strike deals with companies. The biggest of which was with POM wonderful who was even excited to be the brand X of the film to make the film entitled â€Å"POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold†. It was at a hefty price of $1 million dollars with others agreeing to pay between $25,000 to $50,000. At one point in the film, Sheetz even have to fly him in their private jet just to have a meeting with him. The company agreed to be a part of the film. I was really aghast with this â€Å"success† part of the film because it showed that with a right idea and right persistence, one can actually convince companies to pay for a film that â€Å"exposes† them. I was even surprise that even Mane n Tail actually paid for the film even if Morgan Spurlock poked fun of its product saying â€Å"there is an instruction for huma n† and there is another instruction for the horse. I remarked watching the film â€Å"wow, he really pulled it off in style!† There is one part of the film that made me think. There was a conversation after Morgan Spurlock showed the contents of his contracts that he can only drink, eat, and drive this and that. Basically the stipulations of his contract. He raised issues such as the companies might insist too much on placing in their products in the film that it will diminish his influence as a filmaker. Basically, the concern was that since

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Staffing and Recruitment of the United States Military Term Paper

Staffing and Recruitment of the United States Military - Term Paper Example Determining staffing needs and recruiting the best employees to fill these needs is the first step in effective HRM. If the first step is appropriately performed i.e. getting the best employees, the remaining functions are facilitated because of it. Every field has different staffing requirements as per the nature of the job. Recruitment in the military is not just a ‘jobs program.’ It’s a very serious business which includes the security and national interests of any nation. In this report, we discuss the staffing and recruitment requirements in military with particular emphasis on the US Military’s recruiting in light of human resource management. ______________________________________________ Introduction Human resource management has gained a lot of importance in the past few years. The concept of managing your company’s most valuable assets i.e. the people to get maximum results has gained a great deal of momentum and has become one of the integ ral functions of any organization (Schuler & MacMillan, 1984). An effective human resource system has various functions. Staffing and recruiting is first and very important function of effective HRM. This includes understanding the appropriate hiring needs of a particular organization and sector and appointing the best personnel according to these needs. Research shows that organizations which use sophisticated recruitment and selection strategies have positive effect on labor productivity (Koch & McGrath, 1996). Along with the respective education, various other criteria are present for each different job. The more difficult the nature of the job, the more complicated its recruiting requirements; Military is one these fields, and therefore it is not a simple business with simple job descriptions. It involves the defense of a country and a lot of care is required in military recruitment. Taking the U.S. Military as an example, let us discuss in detail about military staffing and rec ruitment. Overview of United States Military The military organizational structure of the United States Military, first known as the ‘War Department’, and later restructured as the ‘Department of Defense’, is headed by a civilian, The Secretary of Defense. Under this, there are three military departments, namely: The Department of the Army The Department of the Air Force The Department of the Navy These three departments are also headed by civilians. The secretary of defense and the three department heads, all are appointed by the President of the United States. The military has five branches, The Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. The first three are commanded by four star generals who report to their secretaries’ respectively. The Marine Corps also commanded by a four star general report to the Secretary of Navy as well. Now for the Coast Guard; these did not fall under the Department of Defense until recently, but now it is cons idered as a military service. This is because during periods of conflict, the President can transfer any or all assets of the Coast Guard to the Department of Navy. This is also commanded b

Friday, November 15, 2019

Chinese Revolution in Military Affairs and Lessons for India

Chinese Revolution in Military Affairs and Lessons for India CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In Statecraft, There Are No Permanent Friends Or Enemies, Only Permanent Interests.- Lord Palmerton, echoed most recently by Gen Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan! 1. American combat effectiveness in the Gulf War amazed the observers all around the world. The Gulf war indicated the future where the USA military could strike anywhere with force, precision, confusing its enemy electronically with little of warfares collateral destruction. It proved that information age technology combined with appropriate doctrine training might allow small but advanced 21st century military to protect national interest with unprecedented efficiency. 2. The revolution in military affairs today is the biggest challenge to China as the countries which are most capable of bringing the concept of RMA into reality are Chinas potential adversaries. The United States, in particular, has started using its RMA to consolidate its military superiority over Asia – Pacific region. Understanding the gravity of situation to Chinas long term national security, the Chinese regime has shown much enthusiasm in learning, absorbing, applying RMA as a part of its catch up with potential adversaries. 3. Chinas rapid rise as a regional political economical power with growing global influence has significant implications for Asia – Pacific the world. RMA has lead comprehensive transformation of People Liberation Army from a mass army designed to protracted war of attrition on its territory to one capable of fighting winning short duration war , an approach China refers to as preparing for local war under condition of informatization. The pace and scope of Chinas military transformation have increases in recent years, fuelled by RMA related activities such as acquisition of of advanced foreign weapons , high rate of investment in its domestic defense industries , organisational doctrinal reform of armed forces. Though, Chinas ability to sustain military power is limited , its armed forces continue to exploit RMA such as Information warfare, cyber warfare, nuclear , space, which are changing regional military balances have implications beyond Asia – Pacific region s. 4. Though, China publically asserts that Chinas military modernisation is purely defensive in nature, its strategic aim in exploiting RMA is still unclear.Over the past several years , China has begun several military missions for People Liberation Army which goes beyond Chinas immediate territorial interests it has left the world community about purpose objective of RMA. Morever China continues to promulgate incomplete defense expenditure engage in actions that appear inconsistent with its declared policies. The limited transparency in Chinas military security affairs possess risk to stability by creating uncertainity increasing misunderstanding in its immediate neighbourhood well as to the world. 5. All this is of special significance to India, as hidden within the folds of the Chinese example are clues as to how we should approach the issue of a Revolution in Military Affairs. There are lessons we must urgently learn if we are not to lose this historic opportunity of leveraging ourselves to the big league. If we miss the bus this time, and find ourselves relegated to the shadows of the Dragon in the not-too-distant future, we will have only ourselves to blame. CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY Statement of the Problem 9. The paper would seek to analyse the approach adapted by China to embrace the ongoing RMA its implications on the world and india in particular. Justification of the Study 10. The world is at the threshold of a massive leap forward in the ways we live and the ways we will fight. A Revolution in Military Affairs is prophesied as the way ahead for the future battlefield. Most of the literature on the subject emanates from the West, which treats the subject from a Western viewpoint. Referring and adhering to the Western prism will leave a country in a perpetual status of being a follower. 11. With a rich tradition of original strategic thought, China today provides a refreshing example of how the current day concepts of RMA are being remoulded to suit her handicaps of being a developing country with relatively backward armed forces.The Chinese initiative in redefining the Revolution in Military Affairs to suit her own circumstances is specially pertinent to India, which stands at a crucial crossroad in her history, and must intelligently apply precepts of the RMA as applicable to her unique situation if she has to find her rightful place in the world. 13. This study is spurred by an abiding interest to determine the unique approach of the Chinese towards the Revolution in Military Affairs, and its implications on the world india in particular. Scope 14. This study concentrates on the way the Chinese are moulding the Revolution in Military Affairs to suit their own circumstances, and emerging implications of Chinese revolution in military affairs to multipolar world and India in particular. Methods of Data Collection 15. Data for the study has been culled mainly from the Internet. In addition, books and periodicals have been referred to for background information. Sources referred to are acknowledged at footnotes throughout the text, and a compendium of the same is appended in the form of a bibliography. Organisation of the Dissertation 16. It is proposed to study the subject in the following manner: (a) China and Revolution in Military Affairs . No study of present day advancement in the field of revolution in military affairs in China can have correct perspective without examining evolving grand strategy in China which compelled it to embrace Revolution in military affairs. A correct understanding of Chinese strategic thought with particular reference towards revolution in military affairs will point to the present day development and will also give likely implications of Chinese RMA to multipolar environment. (b) Current Strategic Thought in China Towards Harnessing RMA. A number of senior Chinese defence forces officials have aired their views on various aspects of the RMA. Though at many instances merely drawing lessons from the USA, there are efforts to modify the tenets of RMA to suit the Chinese condition. The following aspects merit attention: (i) Doctrine. (ii) Land Operations. (iii) Naval Warfare. (iv) Air Warfare. (v) Space Warfare. (vi) Theatre missiles. (vii) Stealth. (viii) Information Warfare. (c) Chinese RMA : The Future Ahead . Chinese leaders have stated their intentions and allocated their resources to pursue broad based military transformation which encompasses force- wide professionalization, improved training , more robust , realistic joint exercises and accelerated acquisition and development of modern conventional weapon. (d) Chinese RMA and its impact on the World Order . China has always been one of the most important states in the international system primarily because of its large territory , vast resources and large population. Although, relatively weak power , rapid military modernisation through RMA has generated strong apprehension in the mind of other global powers. The chapter identifies and analyses the motivation behind Chinese Revolution in Military Affairs and how it might posess fundamental challenge regionally and globally. (e) Implications on India. In the ultimate analysis , a pragmatic threat assessment must take into account adversarys capabilities and not intention because the latter would change according to nations interest. To meet this Chinese challenge adequately , India should take a cue from Chinese RMA and adapt a clear vision about our role in world affairs in future. CHAPTER III THE BEDROCK OF CHINESE THOUGHT Mao Zedong enabled the Chinese to stand tall; Deng Xiaoping let the people get rich; the third generation leadership, with Jiang Zemin at its core, will enable China to become a strong country. Zhang Wannian (1997).[1] 17. Defining and describing RMA is an arduous task which has consumed the time and intellectual energy of numerous analysts . Every analysts have their own perception on ongoing RMA. Broadly sketching the apparent consensus worldwide on RMA, the following can be inferred about RMA :- (a) RMAs are not simply technological in nature but concern significant process and changes in military related areas. (b) RMA emerges from revolutionary changes of historic magnitude with in the broader social, economic, and political environment of national and global societies. (c) RMA is the synergistic combination of several developments in military affairs and has the capability to alter the nature of warfare. 18. The study of the advancement made by China in the field of RMA will not have correct perspective without holistically examining the issue through the prism of her evolving strategic. A correct understanding of Chinese strategic thought, with particular reference towards a Revolution in Military Affairs, will point to the reasons of present day developments, as also give pointers for the future. 18. In the earliest days of recorded history , development in military strategy and technology were evolutionary and was measured in centuries. However, since mid century due to rapid technological driven environment , RMA is measured in decades or less and this rapid change in military affairs is likely to accelerate in the era of information age. As a result , since nineteenth century and throughout its process national building China has been playing catch up with increasing recurring revolution in military affairs. 19. Historically, China has had always kept itself isolated from the world affairs.. Chinas humiliating experience of colonialism in the nineteenth century resulted in reinforcing her views of herself as a middle kingdom, surrounded by nations keen to conquer her. China grew to regard her huge land mass and vast population as her best defence and relied heavily upon them for her protection.[3] 23. However , American combat effectiveness in Gulf war amazed the Chinese and forced them to revaluate their old military concepts. Therefore, after Gulf war, the revolution in military affairs has preoccupied the Chinese in same way as it preoccupied the major military powers. The preoccupation has led Chinese military to sponser many RMA related conferences and publication of many RMA releted books in China. The following were the strategy adapted by China in embracing RMA :- (a) Operation Iraqui Freedom was studied to incorporate new ideas including rethinking assumptions about value of long range precision strikes independent of ground forces and integration of psychological operations with air and ground forces thereby improving the joint operations. (b) China realised that its isolation approach in world order is denying its reach to latest developments in the world. Therefore, it has increased its cooperation and interaction with foreign political as well as military leaders. (c) Chinas state owned defense and defense related companies have undergone broad based transformation. China is also emphasising on integration of defense and non defense sector to leverage the latest dual use technologies and output from Chinas expanding science and technology base. Augmented by direct acquisition of foreign weapons and technology these reforms have enabled China to develop and produce advance weapon system such as missiles, fighter aircrafts and warship. (d) China has also given its research and development programme a top priority. According to the organisation of Economical cooperational development , Chinas research and development spending has increased at an annual rate of nineteen percent since 1995 to reach 30 billion dollar in 2005, the sixth highest in the world..[4] CHINESE CONCEPT OF RMA ITS FUTURE MILITARY STRATEGY 24. According to China , RMA is a technology in the military field and human society. It is mainly driven by the development of a technology. These technological developments then combine with broader human innovations to bring changes to military doctrine , organisations and structures culminating inti revolution in military affairs. To the Chinese military , Revolution in military affairs also reflects a larger and deeper revolution in Chinas social and economic developments. Chinese military strategists fully realise that Chinas greatest test will be its ability to continue to reform its political , social and economic development to a level at which Chinese society can sustain RMA. In PLAS view innovative application of new technology to military operations and militar6y organisation will affect the conduct of war and countries with superior information technology will easily overwhelm those witout. . Therefore, Chinese military realises the importance of technological , economic and social factor as an important tool in achieving RMA. The limitations imposed by technological , economic, and social factor has forced China to pursue RMA with a Chinese charecteristics.which emphasises asymmetry by which an inferior Chinese force can prevail over a superior US adversary. The Chinese model involves simultaneous mechanization and informatization. 25. Deng Xiaopings Strategic Thought.[5] Deng Xiaoping imparted a discernable shift to Chinas strategic thought in 1985, with his vision of the future of China and the world. Dengs thoughts laid the foundation for modernization and latter day efforts towards RMA, a brief insight into his ideas is relevant: (a) In light of the ending of the Cold War, Deng determined that there would be no world wars, and that peace and development were the two big strategic priorities in the new era. (b) Deng held national interest to be supreme, and that China should unswervingly pursue an independent foreign policy, opposing hegemonism and power politics. (c) Deng articulated the idea of comprehensive national strength, which implied that defence development be subordinated to the needs of national economic development (d) Armed Forces. Deng stressed on the need to have the combination of a small but highly trained standing army with strong, large reserves. He envisioned a reduction in the numerical strength of the armed forces, along with a concurrent improvement in the quality, including overall qualifications of officers and soldiers. He further envisaged a raise in the level of defence equipment, and an appropriate force structure to improve the fighting capability of the armed forces, so that they could meet the requirements of modern warfare. The Concept of Modern Local Wars 26. In consonance with the developmental strategy chalked out for China in the Deng era, China began to approach the issues of security through the prism of modern local war. The basic tenets of active defence as espoused by Mao remained. However, the area where wars were considered likely was not at world level, but around Chinas borders, due to the following contingencies [6]: Military conflict with neighbouring countries in a limited region. Military conflict in territorial waters. Undeclared air attacks by enemy countries. Territorial defence in a limited military operation. Punitive offensive with a minor incursion into a neighbouring country. Four Futures 28. Considerable interest has been generated in China in high technology being used in wars, after the Falklands War and more recently, the Gulf War. Under the present day dispensation of Jiang Zemin, there is considerable debate as to how to approach the issue of RMA, particularly in light of limited resources. Different threat scenarios favour different thinking inside the PLA. There are four schools of thought [7] on how a future war is to be fought: (a) Peoples War. The Peoples War traditionalists would prefer to cast future threats in terms of confrontations with major powers, such as India, Japan or the United States, which would aggressively impact Chinas territory. To them, a large standing force and the ability to sustain protracted conflict is a necessary condition to support their views. The operational concept envisions crushing of any high tech limited war by conducting comprehensive resistance, prolonging operational space and time to wear the enemy down, through human resource oriented deep operations'[8]. Though the strength in human resource is played up, the concept in no way detracts from the importance, rather abject necessity, to develop technology. (b) Power Projection. The power projection advocates take a more pragmatic view. Minor conflicts are likely to occur along the peripheral areas of China, which are Chinas economic centres, and also with Taiwan, they say. A power projection strategy with provision of credible intimidation in support of foreign policy, coupled with prudent defence acquisition, greater professionalism and modernization is the best course of action to support Chinas national security strategy. (c) RMA Enthusiasts. Military revolutionists see dramatic changes coming in the future, around 2030 or so, and argue that China needs to prepare now to take full advantage of the technological advances of the on-going revolution in military affairs (RMA). (d) Unrestricted Warfare. Unrestricted warfare advocates constitute a recently emerged fourth group. They argue that the scope of war should be expanded by any means available, including hacker attacks against financial institutions, and using information operations to corrupt or disable the cognitive ability of an opponent. In unrestricted war there are no rules, with nothing forbidden. 29. In summary, China has continuously evolved its military strategy to keep pace with changing world scenario. Simultaneously , it has felt need of producing RMA related weapons and equipment indigenously to strengthen its evolving military strategy. China at present is at cross road of developing RMA. While positive elements of facilitating RMA with Chinese charecteristics are abundant, there are certain factors mostly socio political system which may impede Chinas RMA effort. It will be indeed a daunting task for China to completely transform Chinas defence industry with an indigenous capability which will make China a true RMA driven country. CHAPTER IV CURRENT STRATEGIC THOUGHT IN CHINA TOWARDS HARNESSING RMA 30. Military specialists in China have understood the impact of emerging RMA in future battlefield . In particular, PLA observers witnessed how quickly the force equipped with high technology weapon defeated the Iraqui force that resembled PLA in many ways. The force and capability displayed by coalition during the conflict prompted PLA theorists to alter their perception of future wars highlighting the importanc3e of air and air defence operations, elect6ronic and information warfare and long range precision strikes . China military thinker5sw are working to incorporate the concept of modern warfare attributed to the revolutionary in military affairs and have placed a priority on developing the technologies and tactics necessary to conduct rapid tempo and high technology warfare in Asia. PLA military strategists are of the opinion that current RMA hold the potential for producing new form of warfare , enhanced info warfare and digitized combat forces. At the same time based on observations and lessons learnt from Gulf War and Op Allied Force , PLA military strategists perceives certain weaknesses in the US overreliance on advances offered by RMA. Consequently, PLA military strategists besides pursuing RMA advances are also exploiting its weaknesses. and history, developments in modern technology, and the study of foreign army experiences.[9] Military Doctrine 45. Traditionally China followed the concept of peoples war which aimed at compensating its technological inferiority by abundance of its manpower , spact and time. The decline and final end of cold war has denied China to fight manpower based protracted war. Therefore, since 1985, there has been strategic transition in PLA from concept of total war to localand limited technology driven war. 46. War Zone Campaign To enable PLAs [11]. The doctrine is a comprehensive document seeking to bring to fruition the following trends in the PLA: (a) Reduction in the active duty strength of the PLA, with an emphasis on technological quality and training. (b) Increase in the size of Reserves and Peoples Armed Police, to fulfill the role of militias. (c) The PLA will retain many existing weapons and attempt to develop new tactics and techniques to defeat a high-tech enemy. (d) The PLA can only afford to supply limited elite formations with latest equipments and weapons procured from abroad. The indigenous Chinese defence industry will continue to be the source of the majority of modern weapons. (e) Capabilities will emphasize rapid response and joint operations, focusing on precision attack, joint air, naval, special and, information warfare. (f) Command and control organizations will be reorganized to streamline the C3I process. (g) The PLA is going to cut 100,000 personnel per year through much of this decade. By 2010, the total members of the PLA in all services will be less than two million. Volunteers will make up the bulk if not all of the forces. 46. The War Zone Campaign (WZC) envisages three phases: (a) Elite Forces and Sharp Arms ( Jingbing Liqi). Use of a Special operation force to find information of the enemy, dominate him, and make a political statement, forcing him to withdraw. (b) Gaining Initiative by Striking First ( Xianji Zhidi ). This involves pre-emptive strikes against the enemys critical targets, convincing him to desist without having to defeat his armed forces. (c) Fighting a Quick Battle to Force a Quick Resolution (Suzhan Sujue). Involves use of mobile formations such as armour and mechanized infantry for a quick kill, to force a political resolution. 47. Active Defence. The active defense component of nthe doctrine indicates defensive military strategy in Which China does not initiate wars but engages in war only to defend national soverneigty and territorial integrity . The essence of active defence is to take initiative and annhiliate the enemy through RMA related weapons. 48. Local War Under Informatization. The concept of informatization emphasizes the effect of information technologyon military decision and weapon employment .The PlA formerly institutionalized this concept in 2004. Since then , information warfare has been accorded highest priority in Chinas RMA. 49. Information Plus Fire Power Model. Drawing lessons from RMA led US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan , the PLA has developed a new ground force combat model. A new model using information plusfirepower considers ground forces as integrated with in a joint force focused onrapid occupation of key strategic targets and stablisation of battle field. Land Operations 49. The transformation of the PLA away from its historical concept of mass formations geared to fight peoples war to smaller forces with more mobile , long range capability has been accorded highest priority. Since early 1980, manpower reduction has been greatest in land forces. According to Chinese strategists Characteristics of future land operations [12] are considered to encompass the following concepts: (a) Future Land Battle will be Multi Dimensional and Multi Directional. Battles will be fought in the far as well as near distances. The battlespace will not be fixed, and operations will be fought on land, on water, in the air, under water and in space. (b) Time and Space will have New Meaning. Time on the battlefield has been shortened, and modern weapons and high-speed mobile transport will make operational activities faster.. (c) Power and Accuracy to Strike. The primary objective of the battle will mainly be the destruction of enemy command, control, and weapons systems. Smart weapons will make small-scale operational activities highly efficient. The concept of achieving high efficiency at a relatively low cost has become the basic goal of modern warfare and will be even more so in 21st-century land operations. (d) Inform ation Superiority will Be Key to success . The wide application of electronic information technology in the military sphere will integrate information with firepower. It wqill be a tool to defeat superior enemy.. (a) Joint operations will be the norm, for integration and synergy. 50. Current Progress by China towards RMA in Land Operations. In consonancewith the new doctrine China has put tremendous effort toward implementing RMA into its ground forces.. Open source literature [13] indicates the following to be the current status: (a) Reduction in PLAs Strength. The main purpose of RMA in Chinese ground forces is to create smaller more technological advanced forcecapable of participating in PLAS deterrence warfighting and non traditional security missions.Since 1997, ground forces structure has been modified by deactivating, transforming and restructuring of numerous army units. China is continuously reducing strength of its ground forces to make it a leaner and highly mobile force. In addition the nu of ground forces has been reduced from 100 manoevre divisions and 20 manoevre brigades to about 35 manoevre divisions and 41 brigades (b) Rapid Reaction Forces (RRF). To impart strategic mobility with the aim of fighting a successful `peoples war under modern conditions, China has increased the scale of its Rapid Reaction Forces in all its Group Armies. Each Group Army now consists of a tank Division, with a tank transport regiment for added mobility. The RRFs will achieve the objective of regional `mobile defence through mutual rapid support to any affected Military Region (MR). (c) Mechanization and Informatization. Mechanization includes transformation ofs motorized infantry to mechanized units equipped with wheel or tracked armoured unit and self propelled artillery. Informatization includes upgrading existing equipment and introduction of new advanced system, training of peronnels and maintain these system and operational aspects of information and electronic warfare. (e) C4I Modernisation. The PLA has embarked on a well-financed effort to modernise its C4I infrastructure. The modernised C4I system is composed of at least four major networks: a military telephone network, a confidential telephone network, a data communications network and a comprehensive communication system for field operations. One important development has been the laying of fibre optic lines, which now form the core of Chinas long-distance networks and trunk lines. This fibre optic backbone will pose problems to any future adversarys efforts to gain intelligence through SIGINT.[14] (f) Equipment. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, China has selectively equipped only a portion of the ground forces with new weapons, while leaving the remainder to make do with existing equipment.[15] Among new capabilities acquired by PLA ground forces are approximately 200 Type 98 and Type 99 third generation main battle tank. Ground forces have also acquired a new generation assault amphibious vehicle , a 130 km range 12 tubes 200 mm multiple launch rocket system and 6 tube 400mm multiple launch rocket system with the range of 2oo km. Since 1999, PLA ground forces have received a variety of new Chinese-made weapons and equipment, includ ­ing main battle tanks, amphibious tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery, tactical SAM and AAA systems, and small arms. A number of new support vehicles and items have also been deployed (forklifts, maintenance vans, fuel tankers, field kitchens, and ambulances). Of significance is that Chinese electronics and aviation indust ries have provided computers, satellite and microwave communications, optical fiber links, night-vision goggles, frequency-hopping radios, battlefield surveillance equipment, and unmanned aerial ve ­hicles. (h) In summary, the PLA ground forces are on their way to becoming leaner, more rapidly deployable, and are being gradually equipped with weapons that increase the range from which they can strike the enemy. If pursued with deliberate commitment, the transformation of the ground forces in their ability to undertake missions in the 21st century will increase manifold. Naval Warfare 51. It was around nineties that China realised the importance of exploitation of sea for exploitation of energy , the strategic importance of island in South China Sea and consequently the need to ensure security of sea routes played an important role in shaping Chinas maritime strategy. The chief architect of the PLAN modernization drive , Admiral Liu Hua Quing , put forward active green water defence strategy as : (a) Long range manoeuverability of naval fleet. (b) Achieving ultimate deterrence against big powers. (c) Extending PLAN power projection caqpability. (d) The active green water defence strategy was a stepping stone which significantly changed prioritizationbetween three services. The PLAN previously the least important was now given the highest priority. 53. Technology Likely to Revolutionise Naval Warfare. Chinese RMA enthusiasts[16] feel that certain cutting edge technologies are first likely to be employed in naval warfare. These are likely to be: Nuclear technology for propulsion systems. Microelectronic technology to make ships and weapon systems smarter. Stealth technology for ships and missiles to be stealth capable. Infra Red technology for target acquisition and intelligence. Precision guidance technology for weapon accuracy. Satellite technology for navigation, monitoring and warning systems. Super conduction technology will allow ships to travel faster without noise. New materials technology for developing under sea weapon systems. 54. Along with new technology, it is foreseen that the following concepts will dominate naval warfare in the future: (a) Information. The new military revolution will accelerate the digitisation of the naval battlefield. The side controlling information will be able to manipulate the war, attack the enemy with advanced information weapons to paralyse him and destroy important targets with precise firepower. (b) Concentration of firepower will replace concentration of force, due to the combination of an information intensive battlefield and precision weapons. This will result in remote attack becoming a major combat concept. (c) The Rise of the Submarine. Submarines will be relatively impervious to the battlefield transparency on the sea resulting from the extensive application of information technology. As a result, their value in attacking land, sea as well as air targets will be greatly enhanced. (d) Emphasis on Joint Actions. With interchangeable weapon systems and seamless information systems, joint actions will be possible. Any single service will not be able to mount a campaign level operation. 56. The PLA Navys Current Standing. The reform era brought a breath of fresh air to the Chinese navy. Another personality who brought significant modernisation in terms of doctrines, structure, training, up gradation in bases, organisation was General Liu Huaqing. PLANs modernisation proceeded along three paths – indigenous construction, foreign purc Chinese Revolution in Military Affairs and Lessons for India Chinese Revolution in Military Affairs and Lessons for India CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In Statecraft, There Are No Permanent Friends Or Enemies, Only Permanent Interests.- Lord Palmerton, echoed most recently by Gen Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan! 1. American combat effectiveness in the Gulf War amazed the observers all around the world. The Gulf war indicated the future where the USA military could strike anywhere with force, precision, confusing its enemy electronically with little of warfares collateral destruction. It proved that information age technology combined with appropriate doctrine training might allow small but advanced 21st century military to protect national interest with unprecedented efficiency. 2. The revolution in military affairs today is the biggest challenge to China as the countries which are most capable of bringing the concept of RMA into reality are Chinas potential adversaries. The United States, in particular, has started using its RMA to consolidate its military superiority over Asia – Pacific region. Understanding the gravity of situation to Chinas long term national security, the Chinese regime has shown much enthusiasm in learning, absorbing, applying RMA as a part of its catch up with potential adversaries. 3. Chinas rapid rise as a regional political economical power with growing global influence has significant implications for Asia – Pacific the world. RMA has lead comprehensive transformation of People Liberation Army from a mass army designed to protracted war of attrition on its territory to one capable of fighting winning short duration war , an approach China refers to as preparing for local war under condition of informatization. The pace and scope of Chinas military transformation have increases in recent years, fuelled by RMA related activities such as acquisition of of advanced foreign weapons , high rate of investment in its domestic defense industries , organisational doctrinal reform of armed forces. Though, Chinas ability to sustain military power is limited , its armed forces continue to exploit RMA such as Information warfare, cyber warfare, nuclear , space, which are changing regional military balances have implications beyond Asia – Pacific region s. 4. Though, China publically asserts that Chinas military modernisation is purely defensive in nature, its strategic aim in exploiting RMA is still unclear.Over the past several years , China has begun several military missions for People Liberation Army which goes beyond Chinas immediate territorial interests it has left the world community about purpose objective of RMA. Morever China continues to promulgate incomplete defense expenditure engage in actions that appear inconsistent with its declared policies. The limited transparency in Chinas military security affairs possess risk to stability by creating uncertainity increasing misunderstanding in its immediate neighbourhood well as to the world. 5. All this is of special significance to India, as hidden within the folds of the Chinese example are clues as to how we should approach the issue of a Revolution in Military Affairs. There are lessons we must urgently learn if we are not to lose this historic opportunity of leveraging ourselves to the big league. If we miss the bus this time, and find ourselves relegated to the shadows of the Dragon in the not-too-distant future, we will have only ourselves to blame. CHAPTER II METHODOLOGY Statement of the Problem 9. The paper would seek to analyse the approach adapted by China to embrace the ongoing RMA its implications on the world and india in particular. Justification of the Study 10. The world is at the threshold of a massive leap forward in the ways we live and the ways we will fight. A Revolution in Military Affairs is prophesied as the way ahead for the future battlefield. Most of the literature on the subject emanates from the West, which treats the subject from a Western viewpoint. Referring and adhering to the Western prism will leave a country in a perpetual status of being a follower. 11. With a rich tradition of original strategic thought, China today provides a refreshing example of how the current day concepts of RMA are being remoulded to suit her handicaps of being a developing country with relatively backward armed forces.The Chinese initiative in redefining the Revolution in Military Affairs to suit her own circumstances is specially pertinent to India, which stands at a crucial crossroad in her history, and must intelligently apply precepts of the RMA as applicable to her unique situation if she has to find her rightful place in the world. 13. This study is spurred by an abiding interest to determine the unique approach of the Chinese towards the Revolution in Military Affairs, and its implications on the world india in particular. Scope 14. This study concentrates on the way the Chinese are moulding the Revolution in Military Affairs to suit their own circumstances, and emerging implications of Chinese revolution in military affairs to multipolar world and India in particular. Methods of Data Collection 15. Data for the study has been culled mainly from the Internet. In addition, books and periodicals have been referred to for background information. Sources referred to are acknowledged at footnotes throughout the text, and a compendium of the same is appended in the form of a bibliography. Organisation of the Dissertation 16. It is proposed to study the subject in the following manner: (a) China and Revolution in Military Affairs . No study of present day advancement in the field of revolution in military affairs in China can have correct perspective without examining evolving grand strategy in China which compelled it to embrace Revolution in military affairs. A correct understanding of Chinese strategic thought with particular reference towards revolution in military affairs will point to the present day development and will also give likely implications of Chinese RMA to multipolar environment. (b) Current Strategic Thought in China Towards Harnessing RMA. A number of senior Chinese defence forces officials have aired their views on various aspects of the RMA. Though at many instances merely drawing lessons from the USA, there are efforts to modify the tenets of RMA to suit the Chinese condition. The following aspects merit attention: (i) Doctrine. (ii) Land Operations. (iii) Naval Warfare. (iv) Air Warfare. (v) Space Warfare. (vi) Theatre missiles. (vii) Stealth. (viii) Information Warfare. (c) Chinese RMA : The Future Ahead . Chinese leaders have stated their intentions and allocated their resources to pursue broad based military transformation which encompasses force- wide professionalization, improved training , more robust , realistic joint exercises and accelerated acquisition and development of modern conventional weapon. (d) Chinese RMA and its impact on the World Order . China has always been one of the most important states in the international system primarily because of its large territory , vast resources and large population. Although, relatively weak power , rapid military modernisation through RMA has generated strong apprehension in the mind of other global powers. The chapter identifies and analyses the motivation behind Chinese Revolution in Military Affairs and how it might posess fundamental challenge regionally and globally. (e) Implications on India. In the ultimate analysis , a pragmatic threat assessment must take into account adversarys capabilities and not intention because the latter would change according to nations interest. To meet this Chinese challenge adequately , India should take a cue from Chinese RMA and adapt a clear vision about our role in world affairs in future. CHAPTER III THE BEDROCK OF CHINESE THOUGHT Mao Zedong enabled the Chinese to stand tall; Deng Xiaoping let the people get rich; the third generation leadership, with Jiang Zemin at its core, will enable China to become a strong country. Zhang Wannian (1997).[1] 17. Defining and describing RMA is an arduous task which has consumed the time and intellectual energy of numerous analysts . Every analysts have their own perception on ongoing RMA. Broadly sketching the apparent consensus worldwide on RMA, the following can be inferred about RMA :- (a) RMAs are not simply technological in nature but concern significant process and changes in military related areas. (b) RMA emerges from revolutionary changes of historic magnitude with in the broader social, economic, and political environment of national and global societies. (c) RMA is the synergistic combination of several developments in military affairs and has the capability to alter the nature of warfare. 18. The study of the advancement made by China in the field of RMA will not have correct perspective without holistically examining the issue through the prism of her evolving strategic. A correct understanding of Chinese strategic thought, with particular reference towards a Revolution in Military Affairs, will point to the reasons of present day developments, as also give pointers for the future. 18. In the earliest days of recorded history , development in military strategy and technology were evolutionary and was measured in centuries. However, since mid century due to rapid technological driven environment , RMA is measured in decades or less and this rapid change in military affairs is likely to accelerate in the era of information age. As a result , since nineteenth century and throughout its process national building China has been playing catch up with increasing recurring revolution in military affairs. 19. Historically, China has had always kept itself isolated from the world affairs.. Chinas humiliating experience of colonialism in the nineteenth century resulted in reinforcing her views of herself as a middle kingdom, surrounded by nations keen to conquer her. China grew to regard her huge land mass and vast population as her best defence and relied heavily upon them for her protection.[3] 23. However , American combat effectiveness in Gulf war amazed the Chinese and forced them to revaluate their old military concepts. Therefore, after Gulf war, the revolution in military affairs has preoccupied the Chinese in same way as it preoccupied the major military powers. The preoccupation has led Chinese military to sponser many RMA related conferences and publication of many RMA releted books in China. The following were the strategy adapted by China in embracing RMA :- (a) Operation Iraqui Freedom was studied to incorporate new ideas including rethinking assumptions about value of long range precision strikes independent of ground forces and integration of psychological operations with air and ground forces thereby improving the joint operations. (b) China realised that its isolation approach in world order is denying its reach to latest developments in the world. Therefore, it has increased its cooperation and interaction with foreign political as well as military leaders. (c) Chinas state owned defense and defense related companies have undergone broad based transformation. China is also emphasising on integration of defense and non defense sector to leverage the latest dual use technologies and output from Chinas expanding science and technology base. Augmented by direct acquisition of foreign weapons and technology these reforms have enabled China to develop and produce advance weapon system such as missiles, fighter aircrafts and warship. (d) China has also given its research and development programme a top priority. According to the organisation of Economical cooperational development , Chinas research and development spending has increased at an annual rate of nineteen percent since 1995 to reach 30 billion dollar in 2005, the sixth highest in the world..[4] CHINESE CONCEPT OF RMA ITS FUTURE MILITARY STRATEGY 24. According to China , RMA is a technology in the military field and human society. It is mainly driven by the development of a technology. These technological developments then combine with broader human innovations to bring changes to military doctrine , organisations and structures culminating inti revolution in military affairs. To the Chinese military , Revolution in military affairs also reflects a larger and deeper revolution in Chinas social and economic developments. Chinese military strategists fully realise that Chinas greatest test will be its ability to continue to reform its political , social and economic development to a level at which Chinese society can sustain RMA. In PLAS view innovative application of new technology to military operations and militar6y organisation will affect the conduct of war and countries with superior information technology will easily overwhelm those witout. . Therefore, Chinese military realises the importance of technological , economic and social factor as an important tool in achieving RMA. The limitations imposed by technological , economic, and social factor has forced China to pursue RMA with a Chinese charecteristics.which emphasises asymmetry by which an inferior Chinese force can prevail over a superior US adversary. The Chinese model involves simultaneous mechanization and informatization. 25. Deng Xiaopings Strategic Thought.[5] Deng Xiaoping imparted a discernable shift to Chinas strategic thought in 1985, with his vision of the future of China and the world. Dengs thoughts laid the foundation for modernization and latter day efforts towards RMA, a brief insight into his ideas is relevant: (a) In light of the ending of the Cold War, Deng determined that there would be no world wars, and that peace and development were the two big strategic priorities in the new era. (b) Deng held national interest to be supreme, and that China should unswervingly pursue an independent foreign policy, opposing hegemonism and power politics. (c) Deng articulated the idea of comprehensive national strength, which implied that defence development be subordinated to the needs of national economic development (d) Armed Forces. Deng stressed on the need to have the combination of a small but highly trained standing army with strong, large reserves. He envisioned a reduction in the numerical strength of the armed forces, along with a concurrent improvement in the quality, including overall qualifications of officers and soldiers. He further envisaged a raise in the level of defence equipment, and an appropriate force structure to improve the fighting capability of the armed forces, so that they could meet the requirements of modern warfare. The Concept of Modern Local Wars 26. In consonance with the developmental strategy chalked out for China in the Deng era, China began to approach the issues of security through the prism of modern local war. The basic tenets of active defence as espoused by Mao remained. However, the area where wars were considered likely was not at world level, but around Chinas borders, due to the following contingencies [6]: Military conflict with neighbouring countries in a limited region. Military conflict in territorial waters. Undeclared air attacks by enemy countries. Territorial defence in a limited military operation. Punitive offensive with a minor incursion into a neighbouring country. Four Futures 28. Considerable interest has been generated in China in high technology being used in wars, after the Falklands War and more recently, the Gulf War. Under the present day dispensation of Jiang Zemin, there is considerable debate as to how to approach the issue of RMA, particularly in light of limited resources. Different threat scenarios favour different thinking inside the PLA. There are four schools of thought [7] on how a future war is to be fought: (a) Peoples War. The Peoples War traditionalists would prefer to cast future threats in terms of confrontations with major powers, such as India, Japan or the United States, which would aggressively impact Chinas territory. To them, a large standing force and the ability to sustain protracted conflict is a necessary condition to support their views. The operational concept envisions crushing of any high tech limited war by conducting comprehensive resistance, prolonging operational space and time to wear the enemy down, through human resource oriented deep operations'[8]. Though the strength in human resource is played up, the concept in no way detracts from the importance, rather abject necessity, to develop technology. (b) Power Projection. The power projection advocates take a more pragmatic view. Minor conflicts are likely to occur along the peripheral areas of China, which are Chinas economic centres, and also with Taiwan, they say. A power projection strategy with provision of credible intimidation in support of foreign policy, coupled with prudent defence acquisition, greater professionalism and modernization is the best course of action to support Chinas national security strategy. (c) RMA Enthusiasts. Military revolutionists see dramatic changes coming in the future, around 2030 or so, and argue that China needs to prepare now to take full advantage of the technological advances of the on-going revolution in military affairs (RMA). (d) Unrestricted Warfare. Unrestricted warfare advocates constitute a recently emerged fourth group. They argue that the scope of war should be expanded by any means available, including hacker attacks against financial institutions, and using information operations to corrupt or disable the cognitive ability of an opponent. In unrestricted war there are no rules, with nothing forbidden. 29. In summary, China has continuously evolved its military strategy to keep pace with changing world scenario. Simultaneously , it has felt need of producing RMA related weapons and equipment indigenously to strengthen its evolving military strategy. China at present is at cross road of developing RMA. While positive elements of facilitating RMA with Chinese charecteristics are abundant, there are certain factors mostly socio political system which may impede Chinas RMA effort. It will be indeed a daunting task for China to completely transform Chinas defence industry with an indigenous capability which will make China a true RMA driven country. CHAPTER IV CURRENT STRATEGIC THOUGHT IN CHINA TOWARDS HARNESSING RMA 30. Military specialists in China have understood the impact of emerging RMA in future battlefield . In particular, PLA observers witnessed how quickly the force equipped with high technology weapon defeated the Iraqui force that resembled PLA in many ways. The force and capability displayed by coalition during the conflict prompted PLA theorists to alter their perception of future wars highlighting the importanc3e of air and air defence operations, elect6ronic and information warfare and long range precision strikes . China military thinker5sw are working to incorporate the concept of modern warfare attributed to the revolutionary in military affairs and have placed a priority on developing the technologies and tactics necessary to conduct rapid tempo and high technology warfare in Asia. PLA military strategists are of the opinion that current RMA hold the potential for producing new form of warfare , enhanced info warfare and digitized combat forces. At the same time based on observations and lessons learnt from Gulf War and Op Allied Force , PLA military strategists perceives certain weaknesses in the US overreliance on advances offered by RMA. Consequently, PLA military strategists besides pursuing RMA advances are also exploiting its weaknesses. and history, developments in modern technology, and the study of foreign army experiences.[9] Military Doctrine 45. Traditionally China followed the concept of peoples war which aimed at compensating its technological inferiority by abundance of its manpower , spact and time. The decline and final end of cold war has denied China to fight manpower based protracted war. Therefore, since 1985, there has been strategic transition in PLA from concept of total war to localand limited technology driven war. 46. War Zone Campaign To enable PLAs [11]. The doctrine is a comprehensive document seeking to bring to fruition the following trends in the PLA: (a) Reduction in the active duty strength of the PLA, with an emphasis on technological quality and training. (b) Increase in the size of Reserves and Peoples Armed Police, to fulfill the role of militias. (c) The PLA will retain many existing weapons and attempt to develop new tactics and techniques to defeat a high-tech enemy. (d) The PLA can only afford to supply limited elite formations with latest equipments and weapons procured from abroad. The indigenous Chinese defence industry will continue to be the source of the majority of modern weapons. (e) Capabilities will emphasize rapid response and joint operations, focusing on precision attack, joint air, naval, special and, information warfare. (f) Command and control organizations will be reorganized to streamline the C3I process. (g) The PLA is going to cut 100,000 personnel per year through much of this decade. By 2010, the total members of the PLA in all services will be less than two million. Volunteers will make up the bulk if not all of the forces. 46. The War Zone Campaign (WZC) envisages three phases: (a) Elite Forces and Sharp Arms ( Jingbing Liqi). Use of a Special operation force to find information of the enemy, dominate him, and make a political statement, forcing him to withdraw. (b) Gaining Initiative by Striking First ( Xianji Zhidi ). This involves pre-emptive strikes against the enemys critical targets, convincing him to desist without having to defeat his armed forces. (c) Fighting a Quick Battle to Force a Quick Resolution (Suzhan Sujue). Involves use of mobile formations such as armour and mechanized infantry for a quick kill, to force a political resolution. 47. Active Defence. The active defense component of nthe doctrine indicates defensive military strategy in Which China does not initiate wars but engages in war only to defend national soverneigty and territorial integrity . The essence of active defence is to take initiative and annhiliate the enemy through RMA related weapons. 48. Local War Under Informatization. The concept of informatization emphasizes the effect of information technologyon military decision and weapon employment .The PlA formerly institutionalized this concept in 2004. Since then , information warfare has been accorded highest priority in Chinas RMA. 49. Information Plus Fire Power Model. Drawing lessons from RMA led US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan , the PLA has developed a new ground force combat model. A new model using information plusfirepower considers ground forces as integrated with in a joint force focused onrapid occupation of key strategic targets and stablisation of battle field. Land Operations 49. The transformation of the PLA away from its historical concept of mass formations geared to fight peoples war to smaller forces with more mobile , long range capability has been accorded highest priority. Since early 1980, manpower reduction has been greatest in land forces. According to Chinese strategists Characteristics of future land operations [12] are considered to encompass the following concepts: (a) Future Land Battle will be Multi Dimensional and Multi Directional. Battles will be fought in the far as well as near distances. The battlespace will not be fixed, and operations will be fought on land, on water, in the air, under water and in space. (b) Time and Space will have New Meaning. Time on the battlefield has been shortened, and modern weapons and high-speed mobile transport will make operational activities faster.. (c) Power and Accuracy to Strike. The primary objective of the battle will mainly be the destruction of enemy command, control, and weapons systems. Smart weapons will make small-scale operational activities highly efficient. The concept of achieving high efficiency at a relatively low cost has become the basic goal of modern warfare and will be even more so in 21st-century land operations. (d) Inform ation Superiority will Be Key to success . The wide application of electronic information technology in the military sphere will integrate information with firepower. It wqill be a tool to defeat superior enemy.. (a) Joint operations will be the norm, for integration and synergy. 50. Current Progress by China towards RMA in Land Operations. In consonancewith the new doctrine China has put tremendous effort toward implementing RMA into its ground forces.. Open source literature [13] indicates the following to be the current status: (a) Reduction in PLAs Strength. The main purpose of RMA in Chinese ground forces is to create smaller more technological advanced forcecapable of participating in PLAS deterrence warfighting and non traditional security missions.Since 1997, ground forces structure has been modified by deactivating, transforming and restructuring of numerous army units. China is continuously reducing strength of its ground forces to make it a leaner and highly mobile force. In addition the nu of ground forces has been reduced from 100 manoevre divisions and 20 manoevre brigades to about 35 manoevre divisions and 41 brigades (b) Rapid Reaction Forces (RRF). To impart strategic mobility with the aim of fighting a successful `peoples war under modern conditions, China has increased the scale of its Rapid Reaction Forces in all its Group Armies. Each Group Army now consists of a tank Division, with a tank transport regiment for added mobility. The RRFs will achieve the objective of regional `mobile defence through mutual rapid support to any affected Military Region (MR). (c) Mechanization and Informatization. Mechanization includes transformation ofs motorized infantry to mechanized units equipped with wheel or tracked armoured unit and self propelled artillery. Informatization includes upgrading existing equipment and introduction of new advanced system, training of peronnels and maintain these system and operational aspects of information and electronic warfare. (e) C4I Modernisation. The PLA has embarked on a well-financed effort to modernise its C4I infrastructure. The modernised C4I system is composed of at least four major networks: a military telephone network, a confidential telephone network, a data communications network and a comprehensive communication system for field operations. One important development has been the laying of fibre optic lines, which now form the core of Chinas long-distance networks and trunk lines. This fibre optic backbone will pose problems to any future adversarys efforts to gain intelligence through SIGINT.[14] (f) Equipment. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, China has selectively equipped only a portion of the ground forces with new weapons, while leaving the remainder to make do with existing equipment.[15] Among new capabilities acquired by PLA ground forces are approximately 200 Type 98 and Type 99 third generation main battle tank. Ground forces have also acquired a new generation assault amphibious vehicle , a 130 km range 12 tubes 200 mm multiple launch rocket system and 6 tube 400mm multiple launch rocket system with the range of 2oo km. Since 1999, PLA ground forces have received a variety of new Chinese-made weapons and equipment, includ ­ing main battle tanks, amphibious tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery, tactical SAM and AAA systems, and small arms. A number of new support vehicles and items have also been deployed (forklifts, maintenance vans, fuel tankers, field kitchens, and ambulances). Of significance is that Chinese electronics and aviation indust ries have provided computers, satellite and microwave communications, optical fiber links, night-vision goggles, frequency-hopping radios, battlefield surveillance equipment, and unmanned aerial ve ­hicles. (h) In summary, the PLA ground forces are on their way to becoming leaner, more rapidly deployable, and are being gradually equipped with weapons that increase the range from which they can strike the enemy. If pursued with deliberate commitment, the transformation of the ground forces in their ability to undertake missions in the 21st century will increase manifold. Naval Warfare 51. It was around nineties that China realised the importance of exploitation of sea for exploitation of energy , the strategic importance of island in South China Sea and consequently the need to ensure security of sea routes played an important role in shaping Chinas maritime strategy. The chief architect of the PLAN modernization drive , Admiral Liu Hua Quing , put forward active green water defence strategy as : (a) Long range manoeuverability of naval fleet. (b) Achieving ultimate deterrence against big powers. (c) Extending PLAN power projection caqpability. (d) The active green water defence strategy was a stepping stone which significantly changed prioritizationbetween three services. The PLAN previously the least important was now given the highest priority. 53. Technology Likely to Revolutionise Naval Warfare. Chinese RMA enthusiasts[16] feel that certain cutting edge technologies are first likely to be employed in naval warfare. These are likely to be: Nuclear technology for propulsion systems. Microelectronic technology to make ships and weapon systems smarter. Stealth technology for ships and missiles to be stealth capable. Infra Red technology for target acquisition and intelligence. Precision guidance technology for weapon accuracy. Satellite technology for navigation, monitoring and warning systems. Super conduction technology will allow ships to travel faster without noise. New materials technology for developing under sea weapon systems. 54. Along with new technology, it is foreseen that the following concepts will dominate naval warfare in the future: (a) Information. The new military revolution will accelerate the digitisation of the naval battlefield. The side controlling information will be able to manipulate the war, attack the enemy with advanced information weapons to paralyse him and destroy important targets with precise firepower. (b) Concentration of firepower will replace concentration of force, due to the combination of an information intensive battlefield and precision weapons. This will result in remote attack becoming a major combat concept. (c) The Rise of the Submarine. Submarines will be relatively impervious to the battlefield transparency on the sea resulting from the extensive application of information technology. As a result, their value in attacking land, sea as well as air targets will be greatly enhanced. (d) Emphasis on Joint Actions. With interchangeable weapon systems and seamless information systems, joint actions will be possible. Any single service will not be able to mount a campaign level operation. 56. The PLA Navys Current Standing. The reform era brought a breath of fresh air to the Chinese navy. Another personality who brought significant modernisation in terms of doctrines, structure, training, up gradation in bases, organisation was General Liu Huaqing. PLANs modernisation proceeded along three paths – indigenous construction, foreign purc

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

DVD Technology Essay

It is truly a fact that we are living in this modern world which all technologies are advanced and improved. One of these technologies is in the DVD technology. Before, we normally used CDs as main novelty to the PC’s world but now, DVD is more used and preferred by multitudes of masses due to its admirable features which the CD doesn’t have. DVD was formerly represented as Digital Video Disc but then changed into Digital Versatile Disc and is considered as the next generation of the optical disc storage technology which is predicted and awaited to quickly substitute the CD-ROM disc along with audio compact disc around the following several years. DVD contains 4. 7 information’s gigabytes on one of its both sides or sufficient for a 133-minute movie. Having two layers on every of its both sides, it will keep up to 17 gigabytes of audio, video and other data. DVD-Video is the typical term for the DVD format designed for full-length motion pictures and which will drive with our television set. The DVD-ROM keeps computer information and is read through a DVD-ROM drive which is connected to a computer, the DVD-RAM is the writeable version while the DVD-Audio is a player which is designed to substitute our compact disc player (see Bellis, Mary. â€Å"DVD†. http://inventors. about. com/library/inventors/bldvd. htm). A DVD with correctly structured and formatted video substance is a DVD-Video. The DVDs with correct structured and formatted audio are termed as DVD-Audio discs. And everything as well is named as a DVD-Data disc as well as the other types of DVD discs which have video (Wikipedia, free encyclopedia. August 27, 2006). The purposes of this study are to: (1) know the history of DVD technology; and (2) be acquainted with its useful features and its functions; and how it is being distinct from CD. History The invention of DVD was all started in early of 1990s which two high-density optical storage standards were being technology advanced: the first one was the MultiMedia Compact Disc which was supported by Sony and Philips; and the second one was the Super Density disc which was approved and accepted by Time-Warner, Hitachi, Pioneer, JVC, Mitsubishi Electric, Toshiba, Thomson, and Matsushita Electric. The IBM president named Lou Gertsner has exerted an effort to join and bring together the two companies to back up solitary standard, getting ahead a repeat of the expensive and inflated format war amongst Betamax and VHS in 1980s (Wikipedia, free encyclopedia. August 27, 2006). In 1994 of May, Philips and Sony promulgated that they would be willingly and jointly develop a newfangled high-density medium popularly known as Digital Video Disc or DVD. This new technology was considered as the successor to compact discs or CD-ROM for computers and substitute laserdiscs and VHS tapes in the amusement industry. Just like a CD, DVD discs have similar diameter-about 120mm and thickness is about 1. 2 mm- just as Compact disc has but DVD is more advance and useful due to its capability to use both discs’ sides for data storage. The large video games which need and require a number of CDs would merely necessitate only one DVD disc. Later on, newfangled technology’s development instantaneously induced dilemmas of a political nature. The Warner Home Entertainment and Toshiba declared their own project to work out the same but yet precisely distinct from DVD technology at the same time. Associations like the Hollywood Digital Video Disc Advisory Group had a sensible and rational interest in this technology’s development. Movie suppliers started to stir up disagreements and controversies which concern the essential of copy protections in the DVD requirement and description. But then, Sony was the first to display its DVD technology. In 1995, John Eargle explained and illustrated the presentation which was conducted at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show. In his writings entitled â€Å"The Great DVD debate† stated that: â€Å"its color and sharpness was more than a match for the Laserdisc â€Å". But Eargle’s attention was on the technological requirements which had been formally and legitimately promulgated in December of the same year. The DVD’s intensification and enlargement data density was credited to a laser of a color advanced in the light spectrum and a technology that were being technologically advanced with 3M which permit the laser to be focus again to one second â€Å"layer† in the disc. It has a double-layer disc which amplifies the volume and dimensions to 7. 4 gigabytes. Throughout the spring of 1995, the disagreement of both developers had been stimulated through Toshiba’s personal growth and advancement of a two-layer disc named as SD or Super density (Chapin, R. â€Å"History of DVD†). DVD recordable and rewritable DVD recordable and DVD rewritable denote to DVD optical disc formats which can be â€Å"burned† either rewritable or write once format. DVD recordable is an overall name which denotes to both rewritable and writes-once formats, while DVD writable denotes solely to rewritable formats. The DVD promoted and marketed as 4. 7 GB might seem to keep not more than that for the reason that manufacturers quote the volume of a writable DVD disc utilizing decimal prefixes instead of the binary prefixes utilized by number of software. On the other hand, a 4. 7 GB DVD can be able to accumulate 4. 7 billion bytes, utilizing the binary prefixes which has similar capacity is approximately 4. 38 GiB (Wikipedia, free encyclopedia. August 18, 2006). Dual Layer Recording Dual Layer recoding permits DVD-R and DVD+R discs to accumulate and put in storage extensively more info or data which is capable of 8. 5 Gigabytes per disc, when contrasted with 4. 7 Gigabytes designed for single-layer discs. The DVD-R DL or â€Å"dual layer† was technologically advanced for the DVD Forum by the Pioneer Corporation while the DVD+R DL or â€Å"dual layer† was technologically advanced intended for the DVD+RW Alliance by Sony. Below are the two figures of DVD-R DL and DVD+R DL (Wikipedia, free encyclopedia. August 28, 2006). Figure of DVD-R DL Double Layer DVD+R Its Restrictions The DVD-Video includes four corresponding systems designed to limit and constraint the DVD user in a variety of procedures and these are the Content Scrambling System, Region codes, disabled user operations (UOP) and Macrovision. *Content Scrambling System* > It is a Digital Rights Management or DRM plan make used on various DVDs. It make uses a weak, proprietary 40 bit stream cipher algorithm which has successively been compromised. It was in 1996 that the system was presented and established (wikipedia, free encyclopedia. August 26, 2006). *Region Codes* > it is the programming practice, chip, physical barrier, or code which is make used to stop or block the playing media designed for a device which comes from a place where it is introduced and distributed on the version of similar device distributed in another place. It is a kind of a form of vendor lock-in (Wikipedia, free encyclopedia. August 26, 2006). *Disabled User Operations* > DVD-Video permits the disc to identify or indicate whether or not the handler may carry out any operation like skipping chapters, rewinding or forwarding, selecting a menu which is fundamentally any function on the remote control. This system is named as Prohibited User Operations or User Operation Prohibitions. *Macrovision* > It is a company which makes electronic prevention plans and was established in 1963. The term is occasionally used to denote to specific video copy prevention plans which were technologically advanced by the company. Its features Some of the DVDs main features are: (1) copy protection built into standard; (2) DVD-ROM for improved multimedia and games applications; (3) every format uses a common file system; (4) DVD-Audio for advanced quality music, graphics and other features and surround sound and optical video and many others; (5) Backwards compatibility with current CD media and many others (see DVD (Digital Versatile Disk)†. http://www. usbyte. com/common/dvd. htm#Introduction). Hence, DVD it is widely used now globally. ______________________________________________________________________________ References: 1. Bellis, Mary. â€Å"DVD†. http://inventors. about. com/library/inventors/bldvd. htm) 2. †DVD†. August 28, 2006. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/DVD 3. Chapin, R. â€Å"History of DVD†. http://www. miqrogroove. com/writing/History%20of%20DVD. html 4. â€Å"DVD recordable†. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. August 18, 2006http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/DVD_recordable 5. â€Å"Content Scramble System†. August 26, 2006. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Content_Scrambling_System 6. â€Å"DVD (Digital Versatile Disk)†. http://www. usbyte. com/common/dvd. htm#Introduction

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Anti †Discrimination Laws Related to Employment Essay

*About us: Partners in reading are a company that was established in 2000. We provide children with one on one reading support. In a structured environment that is web based the curriculum engages our students. This program also provides basic building blocks to supplement the children’s academic growth. *Summary of position: Partner in reading is looking for a talented administrative assistant to provide much needed administrative support. Your job description ranges from general office support to calendaring, expense reconciliation travel and planning for events and preparing board meetings minutes and follow us. The most qualified person for the job will have a strong work ethic. They will possess in performance with much attention to detail. The candidate will take imitative and apply their knowledge with little to no direction. Diplomacy, tact, calendar fluency travel arrangements and time management is a big part of the job. *Responsibilities: Office management Development and outreach coordinator Executive and administrative support *Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience Two years prior work experience in a professional setting Great communication skills, organizational and interpersonal skills Excellent computer skills experience with Microsoft, excel, power point and word *Preferred Qualifications: Past experience with nonprofit section Strong technology skills, fluent with goggle apps and internet search skills Project management skills experience managing and working with groups to accomplish a bigger goal *Compensation: Depends on experience *10 Illegal Questions: Where were you born? What is your native language? Are you married? Do you plan to get pregnant? How old are you? Do you observe Yom Kippur? Do you have a disability or chronic illness? Are you in the National Guard? Do you smoke or use alcohol? *10 Legal Questions: Background Career choice Life goals Interests outside of work Education Strengths and weaknesses Best job Why should I hire you? How do you handle stress and pressure? How do you evaluate success? Some interview questions can get the interviewer in trouble and can destroy the success of the interview. Avoid tops that can very easily qualify you for a discrimination lawsuit. Poorly structured phases will result in weak answers or may even scare the candidate away. Questions should pertain to the job that your interviewing for this will be the safest way to interview a potential employee. Doyle, A. Top 10 Interview Questions Thornberry’s. (2007) 10 Illegal job interview questions

Friday, November 8, 2019

Illustrations Improve Retention and Understanding

Illustrations Improve Retention and Understanding Its as easy as falling off a log, he was faster than greased lightning, she was slower than molasses.All of these statements have something in common. They are all ways to illustrate a quality of someone or something.Its been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. If youve ever tried to assemble something that you purchased in pieces, such as a bookcase or other piece of furniture, you can appreciate the truthfulness of that statement. Even if the directions are in Japanese, seeing a picture or simple drawing can make the necessary steps clear (or at least clearer). In the same way, pictures make a valuable addition to practically any form of writing. However, in many cases, pictures are just not an option. At these times youll have to rely on another resource, your skill as a writer. Can you paint a picture with your words? Can you make your reader feel the blizzard? Smell the freshly baked bread? Or see the sunlight sparkling on the icy gurgling water of a mountain stream? In your non-fiction writing, can you help your audience understand and appreciate the significance of the point you are trying to convey? Word illustrations are an important tool to help you accomplish these goals.Illustrations are figures of speech, real-life experiences, or stories that help your reader visualize what you are trying to say. They not only make your writing more interesting, but they can also aid in retention and understanding. For example, think of The Boy Who Cried Wolf or The Tortoise and the Hare, both part of Aesops Fables. Each of these stories teaches a lesson or contains a moral. The stories illustrate the principles being taught in a way that makes them obvious and easy to remember. In fact, the expression crying wolf has become an English idiom.Real-life experiences, or true stories, can be even more effective at illustrating a point. For example, to illustrate the idea of never giving up, you could point to Thomas Edison. His teachers thought he was too s tupid to learn anything and he was fired from his first two jobs for being non-productive. Although he is famous for inventing the light bulb, did you know that he failed in his first 1,000 attempts? For a simpler example, you could mention that Henry Ford failed and went broke five times before he succeeded.Of course, in many forms of writing, there is no room for a long story, whether true or not. This type of illustration would be out of place. It would be like seeing a gold nose ring in the snout of a pig, or about as welcome as ants at a picnic. But dont worry! The simplest, and sometimes most effective, way of painting a picture with words is to use a figure of speech. The simplest of these is the simile. As you might guess, the word simile comes from the same Latin word as similar, a word that means like. When you use a simile you are saying that one thing is like another, or as another (see the two similes at the beginning of the paragraph). Most of us use similes all the ti me in ordinary conversation, perhaps without even thinking about it. If youve ever said that someone was as big as a house, as fat as a pig, or as dumb as a stump, youre not very nice. But congratulations! You know how to use similes.Metaphors are similar to similes, but metaphors make a stronger comparison. Instead of saying that one thing is like another, a metaphor says that they are the same. When Shakespeare said that all the worlds a stage and all the men and women merely players (As You Like It Act 2 Scene VII), he was using a powerful metaphor. You too can use metaphors to give a powerful impression or make a strong point, perhaps changing a good simile into a better metaphor. For example, you might say that someone is as courageous as a lion. This is using a simile to pay them a nice compliment. You could make it a nicer compliment by saying that the person has the heart of a lion.However, with both similes and metaphors, you have to be careful that your readers dont get th e wrong meaning. For example, if you state the above metaphor in a different way, the meaning changes. If you just say that the person is a lion, are you still paying them a compliment? Or are you saying that they are fierce, or prey on the weak, or scare small children? In the same way, to be as cautious as a snake is good; to be a snake may not be so good. So then, metaphors can be used to make strong points, but to be effective you have to make sure that they are unambiguous so that your readers clearly understand what you mean.You might also use hyperboles in your writing. These are deliberate exaggerations. For instance, if you said that your wifes coffee was so strong that you could float a horseshoe in it, you would be using hyperbole or exaggeration (hopefully). Like metaphors, hyperboles are very effective at making strong points but can be easily misunderstood.This brings us to our final point. Whatever word picture we paint, whether through the use of a story, simile, met aphor, or hyperbole, its valueless if not understood. In fact, it may be worse than valueless; it may detract from your story or confuse your reader. How do you make sure that this doesnt happen? First, consider your audience. Using a humorous story based on quantum mechanics (I know its tempting) as an illustration may be perfectly acceptable when writing for a group of theoretical physicists; for others, it may be less effective. As with many areas of life, its usually best to keep it simple. Try to find figures of speech or stories that the majority of people can readily understand and identify with. Generally, this means using comparisons that involve ordinary things that affect peoples daily lives, such as the weather, family life, the work environment, common foods, etc.Like pictures, diagrams, or charts, word illustrations can be used to add color and variety to your writing. Yet they also do much more. Used properly in a fictional story, they can add richness, depth, and tex ture to the picture youre painting in the readers mind. In other forms of writing, they can improve your readers retention and understanding of the points you are trying to convey.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Censorship in High Schools essays

Censorship in High Schools essays Censorship is the biggest controversial topic in high schools all across America. Although some principles and parents dont think their kids are mature enough to learn about sex, drugs, abortion, divorce, etc., students need to learn how to approach situations in the real world. Censorship should be banned in high school because the students have the right to know what occurs around them and the consequences that they could face. The First Amendment and the Education Code both give you the right to express yourself. The First Amendment states that, Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. firstamendment/faresources/resources.htm This amendment supports all the citizens of United States of America. Everyone in this country is given the right to express themselves. For example, people can speak the way they choose to, write the way the way they want to, and even dress in clothes that they desire. Even though the First Amendment supports all citizens, the Education Code is specifically for all students. Section 48907 of the Education Code states that, Students of the public schools shall have the right to exercise freedom of speech and of the press. This gives the students the right to express themselves in the newspaper. It gives them the right to express their thoughts and feelings with their peers. The schools shouldnt be able to limit the students abou t how they express themselves. Everyone is unique in their own way and they shouldnt be judged for expressing themselves. Giving students the right to express themselves is very important. in the 1988 Supreme Court ruling, Justices William Brennan, Thurgood Marshall, and Harry Blackmun stated that censorship, In no way furthers the curricular purpose of a student newspaper, unless one believes that the purpose of the school newspaper is to teach students that the pres...